DTI Sector

The DTI Sector maintains an overview of the digital transformation attainment and the ICT performance in the Federal Administration.

Digital Switzerland

Digital Switzerland is the federal government’s overarching strategy on digital policy.

Digital Administration

The Federal Council's Digital Federal Administration Strategy defines the objectives of the digital transformation in the Federal Administration.

Federal architecture

The enterprise architecture assembles the ICT components, including all of their characteristics and relationships, into a functioning whole.

HERMES project management method

Um Projekte einheitlich abzuwickeln, wird in der Bundesverwaltung die Projektmanagement-Methode HERMES eingesetzt.

Projects and Programm

Interdepartmental information and communication technology (ICT) projects and programmes.

Standard ICT Services

ICT services required by the different units of the Federal Administration with the same or similar level of functionality and quality.

ICT specifications

All of the Federal Administration's ICT directives that apply for the entire central Federal Administration.

Financial management

The DTI manages the centrally budgeted ICT funds at federal level.


IT in the Federal Administration is subject to two types of controlling: Strategic Controlling and Operational Controlling.


eProcurement should ensure that procurement procedures are conducted efficiently and cost-effectively.

eServices of the Confederation

eServices are services provided by service providers in electronic form so that others can access them from their own ICT applications.

Swiss data ecosystem

The Swiss data ecosystem is intended to promote the multiple use of data.

Digital Transformation and ICT Steering

The Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector DTI took up its work at the Federal Chancellery on 1 January 2021. The DTI assumes the tasks of

  • the former Federal IT Steering Unit,
  • the Digital Switzerland unit at the Federal Office of Communications, and
  • the GEVER Bund unit at the Federal Chancellery.

Information about the DTI’s tasks and aims, as well as the instruments at its disposal:
